10.26.22 NEMNU Elections in November. Members check your email. 7.19.22 NEMNU Meet & Greet! We are back!
Come out and meet your NEMNU association members, your new neighbors, and re-connect with your existing neighbors. Carroll's Bar & Restaurant 1768 E Main St, Rochester, NY 14609 Thursday 8.11.22 at 6:30pm5.11.22 Consider Donating! Hi Neighbors!
It is so nice to see our neighbors emerging from their homes after this long winter and unprecedented hardships and start working in the yards, planting flowers and attending to general sprucing up. We have many new neighbors in our area! Welcome!
It is also time for renewal of your yearly NEMNU Neighborhood Association dues. $10.00 for an individual, $15.00 for a family and if you are a business owner $25.00 which entitles your company name to be added as a business supporter on our website.
Your dues are used for neighborhood beautification, new planters and flowers that are placed around the neighborhood as well as supplies for neighborhood social events. Your support makes these and other valuable services possible.
In addition to your financial support, won’t you consider attending the neighborhood association meetings on the 3rd Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. These meetings are held at the Neighborhood Service Center located at 1933 East Main Street. Our meetings have been put on hold until we can gather again safely, so please be on the look out for postings about upcoming meetings through Facebook, as well as the NEMNU website, www.NEMNU.org
If you would like to participate in other ways, or have ideas or suggestions for your neighborhood association, please free to send us a note at www.nemnu.org. We always love to get new volunteers and fresh ideas.
If you are unable to attend our monthly meetings when they start up again, please consider sending your dues to Diane Picciolo at 99 Macbeth St., Rochester, NY 14609 and I will provide you with a receipt for your dues for 2022-2023. 3.15.20 NEMNU Statement on COVID-19 Our monthly NEMNU meetings are being canceled indefinitely. We take COVID-19 very seriously and want all of our neighbors to stay healthy and safe. Just because we are not having meetings does not mean that we can not help anyone in need during this time. Please make sure that you check in on elderly and high risk neighbors to make sure that they have food and necessary supplies at home. As always if you have any neighborhood concerns or individual questions or concerns please reach out to us. If you need help with any high risk or elderly neighbors please reach out to us. We are not having meetings but we are still here to help as we always have been. We will keep everyone posted in the coming days and weeks. Please stay safe and practice social distancing when possible.
11.29.19 Annual Holiday We cannot wait to see all our neighbors at our Annual NEMNU Holiday Party on Saturday 12.14.19 starting at 7:00pm. We will be providing pizza and snacks. Please bring a dessert or drink to pass!
9.30.19 NEMNU Night Out! NEMNU invites our community to a free musical performance by Hannah PK
Date: Friday October 4,2019
Time: 5:30p - 7:30p
Location: Tryon City Tavern (In the plaza at E Main St and Winton Rd) All are welcome 8.1.19 NEMNU Annual Summer Picnic! Our Annual Picnic will be on Saturday August 10th @ 3:00PM. We are hoping for a large turnout and new neighbors to join us. If you know anyone who has recently moved to the area or has not participated in the past, please bring them! 578 Cedarwood Terrace is the address and we will be serving hots and hamburgers. Please bring a dish to pass and also RSVP by email to [email protected]
3.19.19 Greenlight Fiber-optic internet is coming! Greenlight is installingservice in the NEMNU area! stay tuned for details!
9.27.18 NEMNU Annual Holiday Lights Contest. House Decorating Contest: Let’s get our neighborhood into the holiday spirit! Part of the holiday party will be announcing the winner for most holiday themed house in the NEMNU area! Please have your house decorated by 12/1/2018. We will be going out shortly after to see which residence has the most holiday spirit! We will even add the finalist’s decorated houses to our website. That way the neighborhood can keep track of who is in the final running. The winner will get a free one year membership to NEMNU and a Gift Card to a local business!
9.27.18 NEMNU Annual Holiday Party. Our Annual NEMNU Holiday Party will be Friday December 7th at 48 Maxson Street. The party starts at 7:00pm. Please bring a dessert or drink to pass! Please RSVP to Yvonne our Vice-President at 473-8656. This is a great way to catch up our meet new neighbors!
7.24.18 NEMNU Annual Summer Picnic. Our Annual NEMNU Summer Picnic will be Saturday July 28th at 578 Cedarwood Terrace. The party starts at 3:00pm. Please bring a dish or drink to pass! Please RSVP to Yvonne our Vice-President at 473-8656. This is a great way to catch up our meet new neighbors!
4.14.18 Announcing the North Winton Village Association Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting for North Winton Village is at St Johns Church at 553 Humboldt Street on Friday April 20th at 7:00PM. We will have several different city representatives present at the meeting. We hope to see everyone at the meeting!
4.11.18 Rochester Area Clean Sweep is on May 5th! The Annual Rochester Clean Sweep is on Saturday May 5th! Please bring tools and friends to help clean up and beautify our neighborhood. Email us at [email protected] for more details. We will be meeting at the corner of East Main and Hall Streets at 9:00AM. We hope for a large turnout this year to clean up winter's mess and to welcome spring. We will be mulching, filling in mud holes, cleaning up litter, cutting back old plants to get ready for new ones, and installing all of our new flower pots throughout the neighborhood. This will be our third year for "Adopt a Pot" and are looking for interested individuals to help maintain and add flowers to them as well. Please let us know if you would like to join us on May 5th!
9.20.17 We are looking for Volunteers and Board Members! Have you wanted to participate in your neighborhood? NEMNU is looking for a board secretary and a board member at large! If you are interested in either position or you want to volunteer on another level like one of our gardens or outreach. Please email us at [email protected]
8.2.17 NEMNU Annual Summer Picnic! Our Annual Picnic will be on Saturday August 26th @ 3:00PM. We are hoping for a large turnout and new neighbors to join us. If you know anyone who has recently moved to the area or has not participated in the past, please bring them! 48 Maxson Street is the address and we will be serving hots and hamburgers. Please bring a dish to pass and also RSVP by email to [email protected]
5.5.17 Greenlight Networks Fiber Optic Internet! You asked for it and you got it! Greenlight Networks is now taking orders for Maxson Street in NEMNU! Click here to get on the list and your street could be next!
4.27.17 North of East Main Neighbors United is proud to sponsor a neighborhood open house of the East upper and lower schools on Saturday, April 29, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
4.21.17 North Winton Village Annual Neighborhood Meeting Thursday, April 27, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. St. John the Evangelist Church 553 Humboldt St.
3.2.17 Rochester Clean Sweep Rochester's Clean Sweep will be held on Saturday May 6th. Please consider joining in the days events. NEMNU will be meeting at 9:00AM on the corner of Hall Street and East Main Street. We will be tending to our garden beds, cleaning litter throughout the NEMNU area from this past winter,and mulching. If anyone has any plants and shrubs that they would like to donate for our garden beds or pots please let us know! We really need as many volunteers as possible to clean up our area and make it look great after the winter.
We hope to have a large turnout from our NEMNU neighbors as we need to transform our area!
If you have any tools like rakes, shovels, or even garbage bags you would like to use. Please bring them with you!
Do you have questions or concerns? Please respond to this email and we will answer whatever questions or concerns that you have! 1.13.17 North Winton Village remains one of the safest neighborhoods in the city of Rochester. Rochester Police Department Officer Brian Cannon provided the following statics for car beat 235, which covers North Winton Village. Total crime and most individual crimes were down in December vs. the rest of the quarter. For perspective, the neighborhood has a population of over 10,000 people, or more residents than Brockport, the largest village in Monroe County. NEMNU is part of North Winton Village.
11.18.16 November 2016 NeighborWorks Survey Results Go to our Triangle page and click on the links for comprehensive information about our neighborhood.
11.15.16 Stronger UNITED Going into our sixth year in 2017 we have a great opportunity to stand with one another as one and continue to improve our already great neighborhood socially, economically and physically.
11.15.16 Welcome to the new NEMNU.org We have all the same information as before with a new look. We also hope to be adding more information in the coming months.
11.14.16 Annual Holiday Party and Lights Contest. Happy NEMNUdays! The lights contest information has been added under the News & Events link
11.10.16 Statement on the Burning of Pride Flags in the Neighborhood. As you may have heard on social media, print, or on television, there were at least two acts of arson this week in our North Winton Village neighborhood. Not only was this arson, this was also a hate crime. At least two Gay Pride Flags have been burned off while still attached to neighbors' homes. Confirmed are one on Atlantic Avenue and one on Marion Street.
As a neighborhood, we will not tolerate hateful acts towards our fellow neighbors. We will also not tolerate any kind of property crime in our area. North Winton Village has had a proud history of supporting and looking out for one another in times of need. We are all neighbors, and many of us are also friends. That is what makes us strong and the best neighborhood in Rochester — not because we always agree, but because we all want the best for our neighborhood and our neighbors. There have been many neighbors and friends who have reached out asking what they can do or how they can help. If you have a flag or choose to purchase one, display it and show we stand united against hate and crime in our neighborhood.
9.20.16 NEMNU Announces the Garson Avenue expansion for fall 2016! #TheNewNEMNU We are expanding to the Garson Avenue area. If you are from that area and would like to volunteer. Please contact us at [email protected]
7.12.16 The Triangle Of North Winton Village Announces New Logo Design! 6.23.16 Become a NEMNU Member. It's Renewal Month! Go to the get involved page more more details!
6.20.16 Announcing The Celebrating 5 Years Neighborhood Picnic. Sunday August 13th, 2016.
4.5.16 Cedarwood Eviction Statement from NEMNU. Today there was breaking news from Cedarwood Terrace about a formal eviction that took place. There was video footage of protesters and police getting into heated exchanges and there was ultimately physical contact between both parties and arrests made. At this time NEMNU is not ready to comment on who was right or wrong or the exact events that took place today without a full investigation taking place. 2.10.16 North of East Main Neighbors United's Stance on Home Leasing Project in the EMMA Neighborhood. NEMNU and North Winton Village supports the EMMA Neighborhood Association in opposing the development of apartment units on East Main Street at this time. NEMNU favors investment in the neighborhood's existing home stock and storefronts before any new construction occurs. City Newspaper Article
2.9.16 900 Culver Road Update. We have learned that 900 Culver Road is on track for completion by the end of July 2016 with occupancy in August 2016. During construction if you see any uninvited guest please contact 911 immediately. The RPD does have patrol watching the building.