North of East Main Neighbors United By Laws
The name of the organization/agency/group shall be North East Main Neighbors United
ARTICLE II. Location
The geographical area of NEMNU shall be the area located in the City of Rochester, New York,
bounded by East Main Street to the south, Culver Road to the west, Cedarwood Terrace to the
north and Jersey Street to the east. These borders may be adjusted by vote of the Board of
Directors at any time in the future.
ARTICLE III. Objectives
The objectives of NEMNU is to promote, organize and carry on those activities which will
maintain and improve the character and quality of neighborhood living within and surrounding
the NEMNU border ensuring a pleasant, crime-free life for all neighbors.
ARTICLE IV: Membership
Section 1: Membership on individual basis shall be open to all adults who have an interest in
promoting the objectives of NEMNU.
Section 2: Adults (18 years or older) individuals may become members by registering
annually and paying dues for the current year. Payment of dues shall entitle member to be voting
members of NEMNU.
Section 3: Membership on an organizational basis shall be open to all associations,
corporations, partnerships or other organizations, whether or not organized for profit, which have
an interest in promoting the objectives and purposes of NEMNU.
Section 4: The Board of Directors shall make the final decision as to the eligibility of
adults and organizations applying for membership.
ARTICLE V: Board of Directors
Section 1: The affairs and business of organization shall be managed by a Board of
Directors, consisting of at leave five (5) people and no more than ten (10) people, including the
Officers of the Board of Directors, who shall be members of NEMNU. The term of a member of
the Board of Directors will be one year after election.
Section 2: Anyone serving on the Board of Directors is charged with knowledge of the
Bylaws and agrees to uphold them.
Section 3: One persons eligible for membership shall be qualified to hold an elected or
appointed position.
ARTICLE VI: Officers
A. Qualifications
All Officers must be members of the Board of Directors.
B. Officers
There shall be two Co-Chairs, Secretary, Treasurer and any other Officer as the Board
determines. Any two (2) or more offices may be held by the same person.
C. Co-Chairs
The Co-Chairs shall be the Chief Administrative Officers of the Association and shall preside at
all member and Board of Director meetings and shall appoint Chairs of standing committees,
designate ad hoc committees and appoint chairs of ad hoc committees with the advice and
consent of the Board of Directors. The Co-Chairs, or his or her duly appointed representative,
may attend all meetings of public bodies related to the objectives of the Association and may act
as its official spokesperson. The Co-Chairs shall serve as an Association representative on such
organizational bodies as may be approved by the Board of Directors or shall appoint a
representative with the approval of the Board. The Co-Chairs may sign contracts or instruments
which the Board of Directors has authorized to be executed or may delegate the authority to sign
such documents, in writing, to another officer or to the Chairperson of a Committee.
The Board may vote to change the Co-Chairs to President and Vice President prior to each year’s
D. Secretary
The Secretary shall see that the minutes are taken and shall keep a roll of the attendance of
members of the Board of Directors at all meetings, attendance of members of the Association of
all General meetings, notify the membership of all meetings, keep records and conduct or
arrange for another to conduct such correspondence as required by the Co-Chairs.
E. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall take charge of the funds of the Association, collect such fees as may be
payable and pay all bills and just debts of the Association as authorized by the Board of
Directors. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate record of accounts and shall present an annual
financial report to the membership at a membership meeting within the first quarter of the
calendar year and to the Board of Directors each month. The Treasurer shall be responsible for
placing on file at the NEMNU office all bank statements for the Association’s accounts. The
Treasurer shall also be responsible for delivering a monthly financial statement of the
Association’s accounts to the Co-Chairs of the Board to review.
F. At Large
Members at Large represent the general membership on issues of interest or concern, particularly
those that arise outside of the standing committee structure.
The Members at Large conduct projects to further the goals of the organization or to develop
services for the membership. A Member at Large can serve as chair of any ad hoc committee
formed to develop these projects.
The Members at Large listen to membership and communicate their issues, needs and interests to
the Board of Directors. They identify potential problems and opportunities. They work
effectively toward common goals as a team member. They set objectives and develop action
plans for selected and/or assigned projects.
1. Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall hold regular meetings at a date, time and place designated by the
Co-Chairs, who shall prepare an agenda for each meeting.
2. Membership Meetings
Membership meetings shall be held at a date, time and place designated by the Co-Chairs, who
shall prepare an agenda for each meeting.
The name of the organization/agency/group shall be North East Main Neighbors United
ARTICLE II. Location
The geographical area of NEMNU shall be the area located in the City of Rochester, New York,
bounded by East Main Street to the south, Culver Road to the west, Cedarwood Terrace to the
north and Jersey Street to the east. These borders may be adjusted by vote of the Board of
Directors at any time in the future.
ARTICLE III. Objectives
The objectives of NEMNU is to promote, organize and carry on those activities which will
maintain and improve the character and quality of neighborhood living within and surrounding
the NEMNU border ensuring a pleasant, crime-free life for all neighbors.
ARTICLE IV: Membership
Section 1: Membership on individual basis shall be open to all adults who have an interest in
promoting the objectives of NEMNU.
Section 2: Adults (18 years or older) individuals may become members by registering
annually and paying dues for the current year. Payment of dues shall entitle member to be voting
members of NEMNU.
Section 3: Membership on an organizational basis shall be open to all associations,
corporations, partnerships or other organizations, whether or not organized for profit, which have
an interest in promoting the objectives and purposes of NEMNU.
Section 4: The Board of Directors shall make the final decision as to the eligibility of
adults and organizations applying for membership.
ARTICLE V: Board of Directors
Section 1: The affairs and business of organization shall be managed by a Board of
Directors, consisting of at leave five (5) people and no more than ten (10) people, including the
Officers of the Board of Directors, who shall be members of NEMNU. The term of a member of
the Board of Directors will be one year after election.
Section 2: Anyone serving on the Board of Directors is charged with knowledge of the
Bylaws and agrees to uphold them.
Section 3: One persons eligible for membership shall be qualified to hold an elected or
appointed position.
ARTICLE VI: Officers
A. Qualifications
All Officers must be members of the Board of Directors.
B. Officers
There shall be two Co-Chairs, Secretary, Treasurer and any other Officer as the Board
determines. Any two (2) or more offices may be held by the same person.
C. Co-Chairs
The Co-Chairs shall be the Chief Administrative Officers of the Association and shall preside at
all member and Board of Director meetings and shall appoint Chairs of standing committees,
designate ad hoc committees and appoint chairs of ad hoc committees with the advice and
consent of the Board of Directors. The Co-Chairs, or his or her duly appointed representative,
may attend all meetings of public bodies related to the objectives of the Association and may act
as its official spokesperson. The Co-Chairs shall serve as an Association representative on such
organizational bodies as may be approved by the Board of Directors or shall appoint a
representative with the approval of the Board. The Co-Chairs may sign contracts or instruments
which the Board of Directors has authorized to be executed or may delegate the authority to sign
such documents, in writing, to another officer or to the Chairperson of a Committee.
The Board may vote to change the Co-Chairs to President and Vice President prior to each year’s
D. Secretary
The Secretary shall see that the minutes are taken and shall keep a roll of the attendance of
members of the Board of Directors at all meetings, attendance of members of the Association of
all General meetings, notify the membership of all meetings, keep records and conduct or
arrange for another to conduct such correspondence as required by the Co-Chairs.
E. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall take charge of the funds of the Association, collect such fees as may be
payable and pay all bills and just debts of the Association as authorized by the Board of
Directors. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate record of accounts and shall present an annual
financial report to the membership at a membership meeting within the first quarter of the
calendar year and to the Board of Directors each month. The Treasurer shall be responsible for
placing on file at the NEMNU office all bank statements for the Association’s accounts. The
Treasurer shall also be responsible for delivering a monthly financial statement of the
Association’s accounts to the Co-Chairs of the Board to review.
F. At Large
Members at Large represent the general membership on issues of interest or concern, particularly
those that arise outside of the standing committee structure.
The Members at Large conduct projects to further the goals of the organization or to develop
services for the membership. A Member at Large can serve as chair of any ad hoc committee
formed to develop these projects.
The Members at Large listen to membership and communicate their issues, needs and interests to
the Board of Directors. They identify potential problems and opportunities. They work
effectively toward common goals as a team member. They set objectives and develop action
plans for selected and/or assigned projects.
1. Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall hold regular meetings at a date, time and place designated by the
Co-Chairs, who shall prepare an agenda for each meeting.
2. Membership Meetings
Membership meetings shall be held at a date, time and place designated by the Co-Chairs, who
shall prepare an agenda for each meeting.